
Interview with zthmusic

Gabbe Nord does a weekly interview series that he calls, "The Friday Interview".  Each Friday, he interviews someone in the Linux Audio community.  This week, I had the good fortune of being interviewed by Gabbe.  Check it out.

Thanks to Gabbe for taking the time to interview me.


Video Tutorial on `synthclone`

Glen MacArthur, the creator of AVLinux, recorded a video tutorial about `synthclone`, and how he used `synthclone` to create a Hydrogen drum kit using the sounds from Addictive Drums.

Addicted to Hydrogen with Synthclone! from Glen MacArthur on Vimeo.

Glen did a fantastic job of addressing the different parts of the `synthclone` workflow.  I highly recommend this tutorial to anyone attempting to get up to speed on using `synthclone`.

Thanks, Glen!


Announcing midisnoop-0.1.2!

I'm happy to announce the release of midisnoop-0.1.2!

midisnoop is a simple MIDI monitor and prober. You can use it to monitor a MIDI device and/or software, and to send MIDI messages to a MIDI port to see how the device/software responds. midisnoop supports both ALSA and JACK MIDI ports via the RtMidi library.

Changes Since 0.1.0:
  • UI improvements
  • Fixed a configure bug (reported by Robin Gareus)
`midisnoop` is available at:

Please report bugs using the issue tracker:

If you like `midisnoop` and have ideas that can make it better and/or want to keep up with its progress, join the users group:

If you're a developer and want to contribute to `midisnoop`, join the development group: